SAFT_building 2
SAFT_building 2
SAFT_building 2
SAFT_building 2
SAFT_building 2
SAFT_building 2
SAFT_building 2
SAFT_building 2
SAFT_building 2
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SAFT - Building 2

2 Atlantic Drive Atlantic Hills Business Park, Durbanville
16 155 ㎡
Property details
GLA schedule
Office and staff439.3m²
Cold room15 012m²
TOTAL15 451.3m²
Floor Space
Office and staff549.6m²
Cold room15 349.4m²
Plant room256m²
TOTAL16 155m²
Off-loading canopy2 542m²
About this development

SAFT building two is a hallmark facility for the Southern African Fruit Terminals (SAFT) Group of companies, which provides management solutions for cold storage of fruit and other perishable industries. The state-of-art refrigeration storage facility is one of the largest of its kind in Africa and is specifically designed to protect the cold chain integrity in the process of transporting goods destined for export markets.

Get in touch
Ton Veen
Ton Veen
082 445 1319
021 141 2370
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Designs and layouts are intended for illustrative purposes only and should not be regarded as a final design or layout. This design and layout are therefore subject to change at the discretion of the landlord. The names of any tenants indicated are an indication only and may not take up tenancy at the project.