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Omnia – Monte Circle

5 500 ㎡
About this development

The Omnia office building spanning across 5 500m² is the epitome of innovation and environmental consciousness. Embracing a cohesive village theme that permeates the precinct, this architectural gem stands proudly at the intersection of William Nicol and Montecasino Boulevard.

A testament to sustainable design, boasting many eco-friendly features. From its meticulously curated high-quality finishes to cutting-edge security systems, every aspect has been crafted with utmost care.

Get in touch
Head Office
010 142 9000
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Designs and layouts are intended for illustrative purposes only and should not be regarded as a final design or layout. This design and layout are therefore subject to change at the discretion of the landlord. The names of any tenants indicated are an indication only and may not take up tenancy at the project.